best passports

Best Passports to Travel

We all love to travel, but for some its more of a hustle to get the necessary visa than it is for others. Which citizens are the most lucky ones, with the most visa free destinations, you can see in our Top 20 list of the best Passports for travel!

largest airlines world

Largest Airlines

Most of our travels start and end with them…. Airlines and their planes! But who of them carries the most people? Find out with our ranking of the Top 20 World’s largest Airlines by Passengers carried.

biggest cities world

Biggest Cities in the World

You better bring a map when visiting these cities, otherwise you  might get lost in these huge and busy places. We present you the Top 20 biggest Cities in the World!

most dangerous cities world

Most dangerous Cities in the World

Many cities have areas which are not safe, but some cities are really dangerous and have a very high homicide rate. This ranking shows you the Top 20 most dangerous Cities in the World!

most dangerous countries

Most dangerous Countries in the world

Some countries you better shouldn’t visit if you are a fearful person. And the brave ones among you should be careful there! Check the Top 20 most dangerous countries!

most expensive cities world

Most expensive Cities worldwide

Some travel destinations aren’t a good option when you are on a budget and want to save money… Check the Top 20 most expensive Cities worldwide.